Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Russian Adventurist

This envelope is for a great friend who taught me a new way to see Russia - from the seat of a custom titanium bike.  Sasha was my mentor and took me to places I never dreamed I'd be privileged enough to see.

As I worked on this envelope I remembered all the many places I visited with my friend Sasha and the amazing places we saw.  Sasha is an amazing athlete and is way out of my league, but this was just the way I preferred it because it stretched my limits.  The front of this envelope has items that will remind him of some of the places we saw together.  The volcanoes represent the Kamchatkan Peninsula were we hiked volcanoes and camped in the Russian Wilds together.  The purple flowers represent the Lupine flowers that we saw in the Psvovkaya Region were we went on repeated 3 and 4 day excursions.    

Sasha coached me on designing and ordering a custom titanium bike frame that was made especially to fit my long legs.  He really deserves most of the credit for the design and we joked about putting his name on my bike since he had so much to do with the design.  I actually had my name printed on it in the end.  I've never loved a bike like I love the one I had made.  It fits me so well and is perfect for long bike packing trips with removable front and back racks.  I had fun designing a small logo for Sasha if he ever decided to design bikes professionally.  The emblem on the head tube has a SCB for "Savchenko Custom Bikes"  My favorite thing about the bike he helped me design is the 3" tires or the "29+" design.  It was not easy to design a frame that would work with such big tires.  I hope he enjoys this symbol of our friendship.

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